BoT At The Start Of 2021

A mighty fine hello to all you (hopefully holiday relaxed) people out there.


After a holiday hiatus, we are back! 😀


We made it, we survived 2020 and all it had to throw at us, and turned a corner into 2021. This does not mean the end however, as we can clearly see from what is still going on around us…

With this in mind, we are still, unfortunately, far from a safe time to start exploring physical meetup options again, which is why we are continuing to offer our premium online meetup experience over at the BoT Discord server.

We have some wonderfully dedicated community members ensuring fun and eventful times are had when you are able to join us, from your latest work from home hax to fighting over music playlists and even gaming sessions to cry over how you still can´t get your hands on a new 3090…


This means all BoT meetups & regular interactions/chats will be continued across our available virtual environments, on both our Slack ChannelDiscord Server.


Until further notice, all monthly meetups will be held online on the 2nd Tuesday of every month.


ALL Locations: Tuesday 12th January – Online – From 18:30Discord Server


Of course, as we continue to watch carefully how things progress, we will keep you in the loop of new opportunities and new creative events to keep our community buzzing.


As always, we are available for you over our many communication channels (email, slack, twitter, etc..), feel free to reach out directly at any time.

Once more, we whole-heartedly thank you for your understanding and continued support in these tough times, and journeying through together only makes it that little bit much easier…


Continue to stay safe, stay healthy, look after each other!


Your DEFCON [SAFE MODE] Switzerland Team 🙂